For the soul-led emerging leader who desires global impact. Grab the workshop replay now!
Certified and Accredited Courses
Comprehensive Self-Development & Energy Healing
for soulpreneurs
Bourgeon is leading in Theta Healing® training organisation. Our training courses are open to everyone, whether you are learning for your own personal interest and self-development, or you would like to become a certified practitioner, or you are an existing practitioner who wants to add Theta Healing® to your existing therapies or coaching practice.
Bourgeon offers live and online self-development training and workshops, emotional healing, spiritual awakening and holistic therapies around the world. Our previous Theta Healing® students are now willing to let go of the past, forgive and truly love themselves. They look forward to a better future without fear, obstacles and self-sabotage. To find out more, read testimonials here.
Discover how your beliefs may be preventing you from living the life you want right now. Join us for this Masterclass Replay where we’ll show you step-by-step how to identify self-limiting beliefs, and change them to create a life you’ll love – in your health, wealth, love life and business.
Your personal growth journey starts here.
The Certified and Accredited Theta Healing® Foundation Courses
These classes form the foundation for all other courses and are prerequisites.
Theta Healing® Basic Course
This 3-day course will transform and empower your life! Theta Healing® is a highly versatile meditation training technique for self-development that empowers you for positive change. Reprogramming your subconscious mind from your limiting beliefs and feelings that are holding you back from happiness, love, wellness, prosperity and abundance.
Theta Healing® Advanced Course
On this 3-day course you will discover more advanced and faster techniques to implement in your healings. You will go deeper into the theta brainwave, and release resentments, rejections and regrets of your life. Which will bring more clarity and awareness. Take your journey to the next level of physical healing, emotional well-being and spiritual awakening.
Theta Healing® Dig Deeper Course
In this 2 day intensive workshop you will discover the 8 ways to dig for the bottom or root belief with grace and ease. This workshop is designed to increase and improve your skills. Learn to ask the right questions, clearly hear answers from Divine Source Energy to get to the heart of the issue. You’ll intuitively know when you’ve have reached the bottom issue for yourself or your clients and then effectively witness a healing.
Theta Healing® You & the Creator Course
Understand your divine self and your survival subconscious. The difference between the Creator’s voice versus your ego. What is truth versus fear. In class, you will genuinely get to know yourself and your motivations. You will learn to know true intuition verse being led by what you want to happen. Magnify your healing abilities by healing your relationship with the Creator of All That Is.
hey there beautiful soul,
I’m Anna Kitney
CEO, Founder and Director at Bourgeon. I’m an International Speaker, Spiritual Teacher, Master Theta Healing® Instructor and Intuitive Business Coach dedicated to helping you create a life and business you’ll love.


Powerful guided meditation to transform suffering into joy, happiness and grace. With empowering belief downloads and energetic frequency upgrade with your higher-self and soul.
Private Healing Sessions
Whatever your journey,
we’re here to help you.
Our team of advanced practitioners will assist you with your dreams and desires for better health, improved life balance, loving relationships, successful careers and discovering life’s purpose. With Theta Healing®, you can learn to change negative thoughts, heal the heart and let go of control, amongst many other transformations.
As a Practitioner works with you and your self limiting beliefs, you’ll uncover self-sabotaging patterns in your life. Then transforming them into loving and empowering beliefs so that you can move forward in your life. By changing your beliefs, you change your actions and therefore the results you are getting in your life.