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Love is the sweetest adventure you will ever have.

Love is our origin and a destination in every single situation, and love is the human experience of heaven.  It will take us an entire lifetime to master the dynamic qualities of love.  This is because love gives birth to many virtues like kindness, patience, acceptance, tolerance, wisdom, courage, power, passion and compassion.  We create heaven in our lives when we choose to think, feel, speak and act from love.  We master love in our lives through the relationships that we have. Every relationship you have whether it is with your mother, father, brother, sister, friends, family, colleagues or aquaintance is both teaching you something valuable about love as well as creating an opportunity for you to return love.  The act of love is a giving and receiving of words, a teaching of ideas, a display of affection through touch and acts of kindness that serve the other’s best interest.

To master love means that you heal all of your corrupted definitions of love.

This could include ‘love is painful,’ ‘love is abusive,’ ‘love always leaves,’ or ‘love always creates fights.’ No longer can you project the damaged relationship you had with your mother, father, or past relationship on to the next person. Nor can expect another person to heal the distortions inside of you.

As an evolved being, you must self heal and through the process you learn to love your wounds and therefore you love yourself more.  When self healing occurs, the love that you have for yourself overflows to raise the other person in love.  This is a beautiful moment because all that you have evolved out of bless’ all those around you with new teachings and awareness of love. When two people love themselves, then both parties overflow with love for the other and this is what true love is.  True love is the ability to raise your partner in love.  This can only occur when you become your own soul mate first.

Becoming Your Own Soul Mate First

To be your own soul mate means that you choose to love yourself more than anyone self can. It ensure that you take responsible for all of your own issues so that you do not project dramas in the relationships around you. Self love teaches you how to be kind to yourself so that you can be more compassionate with others. It releases judgements, egoic needs and demands that would otherwise jeopardise love. When you love yourself, your partner will love themselves, and the generation and overflow of love continues.

To be in a relationship where both people love themselves and are able to complete themselves will make a relationship powerful, passionate and purposeful.  No one is operating out of obligations, or having to fill the emotional needs of the other. No one is having to deny who they are or having to live in silent resentment when they are too afraid to speak their truth. No one says nasty things to the other or manipulates to gain power.

When two people love themselves the relationship is healthy and vibrant.  There is joy and acceptance, there is freedom and care, there is mystery and their is support.  These types of relationships are dynamic and empowering. They are filled with wisdom and playfulness. Both partners can be fluid and open to the changing needs of the other. There is a genuine desire to support the other person to become who they truly are.  When two people overflow with love for the other, a very magical relationship gets created.

Cuddles, kisses, touching and hugs are beautiful expressions of love and can reset the dynamics of a relationship. This is because tactile affection does not require words to communicate love and they help to release love hormones that calm the nervous system down.  So if you have been arguing or fighting, cuddles are an excellent remedy return both partners to love, so that the resolution can take place. Making time to be affection for at least 30 minutes a day will increase both parties ability to be more compatible with each other. There will be more kindness, more care with words and often cuddles can lead to more passionate activities.

Forgiveness - 4 Ways To Create A SoulMate Relationship That Is Deep

Here 4 ways that you can raise your relationship to love and make deep and authentic:

1.  Communication:

The greatest key to a successful relationship is being able to communicate your wants, needs and desires in an articulate and loving way.  Many of us have not been taught how to be kind with words. Words are powerful and can either bless of curse someone.  So choose the words that both educate your partner and help them to understand your truth.  Communication also involves being able to listen to your partner and require that you are able to hear all that they say, not just what you want to hear.  A good listen is also able to hear beyond their partner’s words and hear what they don’t say or are unable to say.

2. Letting the Other Person Be Who they are

One of the hardest things to do in a relationship is to let the other person be who they truly are. Often we project onto them who we want them to be, or obligate them to behave in a certain way.  We do this because we have so many subconscious beliefs that force us to be believe that relationships can only function in a certain way. Such beliefs imprison both parties into living a life that does not fully resonate with their authentic truth. An evolved relationship however allows each partner to be who they truly are. Love comes from freedom, and so you must give your partner the freedom to express their truth.

Maybe one partner wants to have go on holidays by themselves, maybe the other partner needs to dye their hair green to feel empowered. Whatever the truth is, it is important to express and find ways to grant your partner the freedom they need to experience. Life is always changing, relationships are always growing, and freedom allows love to exist through it all.

3. Tactile Affection

Cuddles, kisses, touching and hugs are beautiful expressions of love and can reset the dynamics of a relationship. This is because tactile affection does not require words to communicate love and they help to release love hormones that calm the nervous system down.  So if you have been arguing or fighting, cuddles are an excellent remedy return both partners to love, so that the resolution can take place. Making time to be affection for at least 30 minutes a day will increase both parties ability to be more compatible with each other. There will be more kindness, more care with words and often cuddles can lead to more passionate activities.

4. Heal Your Broken Love Patterns

No relationship will grow if both parties are holding onto distorted love patterns. Everyone must go on a self healing journey in order to truly master love.  Check to see if you are resonating with any of these beliefs,

  • ‘Love is painful.’
  • ‘Love is Abusive.’
  • ‘Love always leaves me.’
  • ‘I am always alone.’
  • ‘Everyone else has love except me.’

You can heal your broken love story with these two powerful courses – Theta Healing® Soul Mates and Theta Healing® Growing Your Realtionships 1: You and Your Significant Other.

© Bourgeon 2018. Written by Vanya Silverten