Longing for love is a normal, being desperate for love is not. Love is the human experience of heaven, and coded within every cell of your body is the desire…
Love is the sweetest adventure you will ever have. Love is our origin and a destination in every single situation, and love is the human experience of heaven. It will…
Could your subconscious mind blocking you from love? To create your conscious wishes, you need to clear your subconscious blocks. Within our DNA we are carrying all the memories, traumas and…
The saying goes “you can’t choose your parents”, however, we actually do. When choosing our next reincarnation on earth we make agreements with many other souls. Many of whom…
Love is the sweetest and most beautiful experience of them all. It brings a sense of fullness, contentment and an excitement that makes you smile and dance for no reason.…
Tantra is an ancient Indian tradition of meditation and ritual practices that seeks to channel the divine energy of the macrocosm in the human microcosm. Tantra in other words means…
We’ve all experienced pain, frustration, anger, betrayal, and in these times, it can seem almost impossible to forgive particularly heinous, damaging, violent or abusive actions. But what if we look more…
Reincarnation is essentially a re-birth, a ‘re-entering the flesh’ of the soul, or essence of a person. A common thread in many religions and belief systems which are open to reincarnation, is…
Are you feeling drained, tired, angry or sad for no reason? The cause may lie in the etheric cords or connections you have with others. These tubes of light are…
As the American writer Richard Bach said, "A soulmate is someone who has locks that fit our keys, and keys to fit our locks. When we feel safe enough to open…